Sunday 26 November 2017

John 14 (Eighteen) How About Peace (continued)

We continue from the previous message and in order to complete it, here is a lovely story.

An art school once presented a competition to promote peace in the world. Artists from all over were asked to create a picture or a painting illustrating peace. All kinds of pictures and paintings were entered. There were pictures of people at peace, peaceful nature scenes, but the one that perplexed the judges the most was a painting of a severe storm. It was an excellent piece of art, which actually came alive as you looked at it. One could see the wind howling, the trees and bushes bending and the waves of the sea rolling high. At first look they wondered what it had to do with peace, until they noticed it very clearly on a ledge in the cliff above the raging sea.

A bird sat on a nest completely at rest and relaxed. In the midst of this raging storm she was at peace, since her nest was built on the rock, out of the reach of the storm.

Jesus said that He leaves us peace. He said he does not give like the world does. How does the world give? It gives to receive back, but Jesus gives unconditionally. We need not be anxious or afraid because even though the storms of life attack in all its severity, with Jesus we have peace. That is why a father and mother can stand in a ditch with all their small children singing songs of praise to God while they are being buried alive because they refused to deny Jesus. That is why the church under persecution grows so fast. That is why Stephen could say “Father forgive them for they know not what they are doing” while he was being stoned to death.

Doesn’t matter what happen to our bodies and to our external circumstances – in Jesus we have peace. That is why it is so important not to live for this present world, but to always have our eyes fixed on our eternal destination (Hebrews 12).

Lord, give us grace to live only for you and your peace.

Give your children a sporting chance for a faith relationship with God. Teach them more than Bible stories. Teach them Biblical and life principles with the help of The Nutshell College Train-a-Child series. 

I sincerely encourage you to open the link below and learn what we have for you for FREE! It will certainly make a difference to the Bible knowledge and faith that the children, whom you’re responsible for, accumulate.

Read what others say about it:

“I found the Nutshell College videos powerful and dynamic. God's Word is for everyone and the reader-friendly videos make it accessible to especially our younger children. It is never too early to start building a spiritual foundation in the children's lives. Nutshell College is definitely a solid spiritual path for our children and a light to guide them in the way of truth. It is there to teach people about the Lord and to motivate them toward Him.” Elizabeth Marzo, Kyrios Ministries.

“I want to thank you for the training I’ve received to teach children and young people ‘The Nutshell Video Bible Training Series’. I hope that many people, who work with our future generation, will find the series just as exciting as I do. It’s short and dynamic, the questions that go with the videos are relevant, and they make everybody reflect on what they’ve learnt. The latter is also a way to get feedback. Everybody enjoys the declarations and memory verses. It definitely works, for I experience it myself!” Michelle Luffman, Tell the Children Ministries.

May you receive wisdom and insight while you consider what we have for you.


Henry Luyt

Tuesday 14 November 2017

John 14 (Seventeen) How About Peace?

We continue from the previous message.

The ‘all things’ the Holy Spirit will teach and counsel us in consist of everything that is needed for life and godliness - 2 Peter 1:3: “His divine power has given to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of Him who called us by glory and virtue.” If our life is not fulfilling, or is lacking, we will be discontented vessels and true to human nature will be preoccupied with our needs and wants. The Holy Spirit therefore desires to counsel us on a daily basis on practical aspects of our life, such as the examples in the previous message. The goal of the Lord is to get us to the point where we do not focus on this present life anymore, but keep ourselves occupied with Kingdom issues (Mathew 6:19-21, 33, and so on). Once we have learnt the basics of not worrying about this life anymore, but leave it in the hands of Jehovah Jirah our provider, the Holy Spirit can then counsel us in godliness, all aspects pertaining to an effective relationship with the Lord and the efficient functioning of the Kingdom of God.

Everything we need for these are in the Word, which is twofold namely Jesus (rhema or revelation knowledge) and the Bible (logos or the written word). Jesus’ life in us makes it possible for us to attain what we should have as revealed through the Bible. All we have to do is to read the Bible and as a result desire to have what it promises in terms of abilities, gifts and power. Through consulting with the Holy Spirit in prayer, which includes careful listening, we learn the right way to apply the truths that we have learnt and desire.

“Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid,” (John 14:27).

Every day on the news we hear the world crying ‘peace”. The different Councils of Churches also cry ‘peace’. Yet Jesus made a significant statement in Matthew 10:34: “Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword.” In 1 Thessalonians 5:3 Paul says: “While people are saying, ‘peace and safety’, destruction will come on them suddenly, as labour pains on a pregnant woman, and they will not escape.” How do we put all of these together? If you look up the word peace in the concordance you will find many occasions where Christians wish each other peace.
What Jesus is telling the disciples is that as long as we look unto Jesus as our protection and help we will have peace – even in the most severe circumstances. In the world there will never be peace simply because of two reasons. The heart of man does not want God. Man wants to be his own god and continually fights to attain it. Secondly, even though Satan has been defeated, he is not bound yet and outside of Christ he rules the world. In other words where Christians are concerned Satan has no power except for what we allow him, but in the world he is still the ruler, since the people of the world do not recognise Jesus and therefore give Satan full authority. Jesus said in John 10:10: “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy,” and since He is comparing Satan to a thief it is understandable that Satan is out to destroy the world. His ideal is to kill as many people as possible before they get to know their Saviour. That is why Jesus’ message is simple – until Satan is bound the world will never know peace, since Satan stirs things up because of Jesus. Yet within Christ and His protection we can have peace (to be continued).

Holy Spirit, please help us to follow your counsel so we can walk in peace.

Sunday 5 November 2017

John 14 (Sixteen) Acknowledge the Source

“These words you hear are not my own; they belong to the Father who sent me,” (John 14:24b).

Jesus, the creator of the universe through whom all things were made, without whom nothing was made that has been made, and to whom all authority in heaven and on earth had been given and before whom every knee will bow and every tongue will confess to God (John 1:1-3, Romans 14:11), were humble enough to acknowledge publicly that He was not using His own wisdom and words, but received everything from His Father. Who are we then to be proud in our hearts and pretend that what we share in wisdom comes from ourselves?

We have mentioned before the audacity of writers (and of anybody who receive something from the Lord to pass on) to take the credit and glory for something that was never theirs. Everything we have is from God and all we are is from Him. In an instant He can remove us from this earth. Why then do we allow people to exalt us and why do we exalt people in the Lord’s service? Why do we receive credit for anything we do without acknowledging the One actually behind it? As I write here I have no idea where these wonderful truths come from, except from the Lord. In no way have I created it or learned it in some book. It only comes from the Lord and I am never to take credit for it. So is it with talents, responsibilities, position of authority, or whatever we have received from the Lord. It is not ours – the glory belongs to Him. We also may never use it for self-satisfaction, to meet our own desires and needs for material goods, power and fame. Yes, we may live from the Gospel (1 Timothy 5:17-181 Corinthians 9:4-14), but not abuse it for self-indulgence.

“All this I have spoken while still with you. But the Counselor, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you,” (John 14:25-26).

In this passage we find a number of important statements. In the first sentence Jesus referred to all the teaching and commands that He personally had given the disciples, but He then said it was not yet everything. The Holy Spirit, our Counselor, will teach us all things. What ‘all things’ is He referring to? Was it maybe the letters written by Paul and the Apostles, which were taken up in the Bible? Jesus was speaking to all the disciples and that included Paul and us.

The Word of God is the basis, the measuring line against which all truth is measured, but generations change all the time. Every generation has different circumstances, more modern living conditions and problems. Evil also become more modern and accessible. Stress for example was probably not known 2000 years ago as we know it today. The fast lifestyle of today was unheard of then. Through all the centuries the Holy Spirit taught God’s people whatever they needed to know in their time and circumstances to keep going on with the Kingdom work.

How does the Holy Spirit teach the disciples of the Lord? Through reminding them of the teachings of Jesus and making it applicable to everyday life of their time (John 14:26). For example in the earlier centuries people in their teenage years were not like teenagers today. They started to work in their early teens and married early. Through the decades life became more sophisticated and more education became necessary. Life for the teenager was therefore, in a matter of speaking, postponed. Christian young men and women thus became frustrated teenagers because they are not able to start life yet, not being able to yield to their bodies’ demands yet. Suddenly parents needed more revelation on how to handle this new challenge. Who is the teacher? The Holy Spirit and the people He has chosen to work through. (To be continued)

Lord, thank you for being my guide. To you belong all the glory!