The next group of the acts of the
sinful nature we would
like to discuss from Galatians 5:19-21 are hatred,
discord, selfish ambition, dissensions and factions. Fits of rage is
mentioned in between and is relevant to this list, but I would like to discuss
it separately, and jealousy and envy we have touched on earlier.
Again we need to remember that this
church in Galatia consisted of converts from paganism where these practices
were the order of the day in a rather uncivilised society. When it comes to
moral values though, the secular society of today is not really civilised
either, but at least the church has been around for many years and does not
really have these practices in their explicit form so much anymore.
If we, however, look at these
practices more closely we need to ask ourselves some questions. All the acts
mentioned in this list are related and as I discuss them, I would like us to
search our hearts for strands of such behaviour, because if we find some of it
in our hearts it means sections of our heart is not controlled by the Holy
Spirit, but by the sinful nature and it needs to be dealt with. “For the sinful nature desires what is contrary to the Spirit, and
the Spirit what is contrary to the sinful nature. They are in conflict with
each other, so that you do not do what you want,” (Galatians 5:17).
We consider hatred harsh and do not
easily say ‘I hate’. But how do we actually feel and what do we think if
someone really annoys us? Do we still do acts of love for them and do we still
pray for them, or do we ignore them and shift them out of our lives? How do we
react when such a person contact us, or appear on the news (if they are a
public figure, another race or a leader in government)? Do we roll our eyes,
grit our teeth, make remarks under our breath or gossip about them? These are
all expressions of lovelessness and the opposite of love is hatred. Jesus said
in Matthew 5:44-45: “But I tell you: Love your enemies and pray for those
who persecute you [including those who make
life hard for us],
that you may be sons of your Father
in heaven.” If we act as described before this passage, do we love them? Do we pray
for them? Do we not essentially hate them?
Even hardcore sinners such as
abortionists, rapists and murderers need to be loved and prayed for. Jesus
prayed a significant prayer on the cross: “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they
are doing,” (Luke 22:34). These people do not really realise what they are doing.
Through circumstances, the influence of peers and the power of sin and money they
have been set on a way of sin and will be able to get off of it if we pray for
them. The more we allow the Holy Spirit to rule in us, the more the love of
Jesus will manifest in us and will we be able to talk and think like He did.
No one had more reason to hate than
Jesus had. He only did good, but look how He was treated. How would you have
reacted if you were in Jesus’ shoes? Any continuous antagonism or ill feelings
against anybody means we could have a root of hatred in us and it needs to be
repented of and be replaced by the Holy Spirit’s presence. Just remember that
this is not something to feel guilty or condemned about, since we are all on a
journey, but we should constantly monitor our lives for these kinds of roots
and deal with them if we want the Holy Spirit to be in control and not the
sinful nature.
Discord, dissensions and factions
are all the fruit of selfish ambition. What is the motive of your heart? Be
honest? As a leader, why do you for instance want your church to grow? Is it
for God’s glory or is it for your own benefit? Why is the church so divided?
The Bible is not confusing in its teaching; in fact it is quite clear about
certain doctrines that cause division within the church. The question is: Who
is in control of denominations within the global church – the sinful nature or
the Holy Spirit?
Lord, please give me and your church
grace to walk by the Spirit and not by the sinful nature.
Thank you Lord that your Word went
out from your mouth, via your servant’s pen, and it will not return to you
empty, but will accomplish what you desire and achieve the purpose for which
you sent it.
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