Friday, 17 March 2017

Where is God?

The Lord describes Himself quite often as having hands (e.g. Isaiah 64:8), feet (e.g. Psalm 110:1), and a face (e.g. Numbers 6:24-26). Isaiah 40:10-12 mentions His mighty arm and asks who has measured the waters in the hollow of his hand?`

He identifies His dwelling as heaven (Matthew 6:1, 9).

Yet, He is omnipresent - everywhere at the same time.

How can the Lord have the figure of a person and be everywhere at the same time? Which part is where?

So, where is God?

I was in prayer one day contemplating the question how the Lord can minister to the needs of millions of His children all at the same time. He also knows everything about everybody all the time.

I don't believe the Lord intends to remain a mystery. He has always revealed Himself to the people who took Him seriously and He promises in John 14:21: “The one who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I too will love them and show myself to them.”

During my time of prayer I had a vision. We said the Lord is omnipresent, in other words He is everywhere. Acts 17:27-28 tells us: “God did this so that they would seek him and perhaps reach out for him and find him, though he is not far from any one of us.  For in him we live and move and have our being.’
God is everywhere and we are in Him, and that is what I saw in the vision. I saw a person in God to whom the Lord was complete. Although God, who is Spirit, is everywhere and have billions of people living in Him, He is everything to each person. To each person in the vision He had hands, feet and everything He reveals in the Word He has. This is how the Lord ministers to everybody’s needs. I believe the Lord shows it to our limited brains this way, so we can grasp it. It does not necessarily work like that in reality.

We cannot see the Lord and therefore no-one can have an accurate idea of how He works. We can just go by what the Bible says. It is important though to be aware that the Lord does not sit somewhere away in the heavens. Yes, He is there as well, for He is everywhere. But you are in Him and there cannot be a ceiling between you and Him from which your prayers can bounce. He hears all your prayers and answers every single one, although some answers are “wait” and some are “no” and others “not now”.

Why do you then feel your prayers bounce from the ceiling or that the Lord does not hear or answer you? Why not consider this scenario? You are busy with something that demands your attention. Maybe you’re watching television, listening to your music and/or are busy with whatever is important to you. Your best friend walks into the room and tries to communicate to you. You may or may not hear them, but are too busy to attend to them. You may even ask them a question, but do not listen to the answer.

Would you consider this to be rude? How would you feel if someone treats you like that?

How do you think the Lord feels when we treat Him like that? He is everywhere. You live inside of Him. How attentive you are to His presence though makes the difference. From experience I know it is possible to be extremely busy, but to still be aware of the Lord all the time. You just need to be tuned into His voice and nearness.

That was why David was called a man after God’s own heart. To him the Lord was everything. It was important to him that the Lord be honoured.
If you have your focus on the Lord all the time and not on your own desires, ambitions, dreams, status and honour, you will be intently aware of His will and desires for your life, and His power and love will be made manifest in you.

This is why Matthew 7:13-14 states:  “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.”

The Christianity culture is vast. Billions of people live the Christian way of life. But only a few are willing to sacrifice their idols for a dedicated and focused life in and with their Lord and Master.

Throughout the entire Bible the Lord cried out for this kind of relationship with the crown of His creation. He spoke through the prophets and apostles, He punished and corrected, but only a few people yielded to this focused and dedicated relationship.

Where do you stand? What are you prepared to sacrifice for an intimate and focused relationship with your Lover who is there for you twenty-four-seven?

Lord, I want to find the narrow, focused and dedicated way that leads to Eternal Life. Please lead the way. Help me become intently aware of your nearness to me all the time.

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