Tuesday 31 July 2012

Perfection (Part Two)

Good morning

Until Monday morning, 6th August, we are going to look at some extracts from my book.
“Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect,” (Matthew 5:48).

Why did Jesus say we must be perfect, as our heavenly Father is perfect? Maturity and perfection are not natural for us. We naturally focus inward. Therefore, perfection and maturity are conscious, daily choices—resistance to introversion on a momentary basis.

Since Jesus included the word “therefore,” we know he meant for us to refer back to the previous paragraph. This means that without being perfect, we can’t do what Jesus commanded in the previous verses of Matthew 5 as well as in the remainder of the Sermon on the Mount: turn the other cheek, walk the second mile, lend without expecting back, etc.

The focus is on caring for the extreme, those who are rejected by society. To forgive and care for those around you is easy. It takes no sacrifice, no humiliation, and no embarrassment; in fact, it gives you a good name in your community. But consider the consequences if you get intimately involved with “scoundrels”: street children, prostitutes, thieves—society’s “enemies.” Your friends will ridicule you, the scoundrels will take advantage of you, and your life might be endangered. You might even have to be uncomfortable at times and embarrass your family.

Wasn’t this what the King of Glory experienced on earth, having left eternal glory for an ordinary existence among the common people? Isn’t this what the glorious Holy Spirit experiences every moment He gets involved in our filthy lifestyle (compared to God’s glory) to help us out of trouble time and time again? In 2 Timothy 3:12, Paul tells us that we will be persecuted, but how will this happen if we never leave our comfort zones and live radically differently in a sick world?

The Holy Spirit showed me that the majority of Christians have a wrong idea of what church is all about, and then they wonder why God is not prospering their church. Church seems to be a place where God must meet my needs—the same needs time and again as I go up for prayer over and over. Often, the message’s main focus is how we can overcome our personal troubles. Furthermore, the tendency of the church is only to wait on the Lord, to experience His presence in their services and be blessed for that hour and enjoy supernatural sensations.

In some churches, the pastor preaches about what we are supposed to do and what the Lord wants, but the congregation doesn’t follow up with obedience. Only a handful of Christians become actively involved while the majority warms the seats. Many churches support missionaries, focus on prayer for the world, and are involved in some small-scale action, but occasionally, one finds a spiritually prosperous church like the following.

In this church, members organize action teams for street outreach, missions, and caring for the elderly. These teams do their work during the week, and at the Sunday morning service, they give their reports. Upon hearing how wonderful the Lord has moved during the week, more Christians are challenged to get involved in ministry.

Lord, please let the church, as you intended it to be, become reality.

Thank you Lord that your Word went out from your mouth, via your servant’s pen, and it will not return to you empty, but will accomplish what you desire and achieve the purpose for which you sent it.

Please pass this on if you think others may benefit by it.

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