Wednesday 7 December 2011

The Holy Spirit my Agent

When you have an agent to promote you as for example an actor, you don’t have much more to worry about than to do what you’re good at - acting. The agent will take care of everything else, such as roles and payment so that you are well looked after. All you need to focus on is to be a good actor so the agent can have the confidence to promote you.

In Matthew 6 Jesus talks about the cares of this world and that we should not worry about it. He then concludes with these words in verse 33: “But first be concerned about God's kingdom and his righteousness, and all of these things will be provided for you as well (ISV).”

Our primary purpose as Christians is to serve the Lord in whatever way He called us to. We, however, have to live and maintain our daily schedules, don’t we? Our day job has it demands, the children take their cut, our social responsibilities need our attention and we need to relax. So where do we fit service to the Lord into our lives? “For all who are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God (Romans 8:14). If we live by the Spirit, let us also be guided by the Spirit (Galatians 5:5).”

When you have ambitions or projects that are important to you, your thoughts are with them most of the time, aren’t they? We tend to focus on what is important. The Lord’s priorities are important to some of us. In order to accomplish what the Lord expects of us, we need to be focused on His plans in which the Holy Spirit guides us. Our thoughts need to be with Him. This is where the going gets tough. We have all these responsibilities that life demands of us and on top of it we want to please the Lord, so how do we manage that?

I’ve always been keen on Bible teaching and writing in general. My day job, however, feeds my family and is a wonderful way to expose the community to the love of Jesus. Managing a busy pharmacy is very demanding, so to do that on top of keeping my mind “on things that are above, not on things that are on the earth (Colossians 3:1, 2, ISV)” can’t be done without help.

This message originated when I realised how wonderfully the Holy Spirit guides me in doing my day job. Even though I’m generally in prayer and worship while doing mechanical tasks and my thoughts are quite often on things above, the Holy Spirit always reminds me at just the right moment when a management responsibility is due, or I just happen to notice something or He prompts a staff member to bring something to my attention. The carnal mind may now think that this is ludicrous or irresponsible, but I’m running a very successful pharmacy with the Lord’s help. Because I’m concerned with the Kingdom issues, my agent the Holy Spirit takes care of the rest as promised in Matthew 6:33.

We “can do all things through him who strengthens us (Philippians 4:13).” We just need to believe it and start getting our minds on what the Lord expects of us.
Holy Spirit, I want to be the best you want me to be. Please be my agent.

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